No-repeats through European Countries

This is a 174-hour long road trip where as many European countries are visited without traveling through any country more than once. The trip is 8941-miles long.

This trip visits: Portugal, Spain, Andorra, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Czechia, Austria, Lichtenstein, Switzerland, Italy, and San Marino. This totals to 40 countries.

I understand that some may disagree with the inclusion of some of these countries as part of Europe. I consulted the contemporary definition found here when considering whether or not to include a country. By the delineation of the map on 12/12/2021, Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan are considered states that straddle the border between Europe and Asia. I was taught that Russia is in both continents, and the part of Turkey west of the Bosporus Strait is part of Europe. I do think some of the other countries should be included, but I felt I had to draw the line somewhere, so I drew it somewhere. I apologize in advance if this is upsetting, I mean no ill intent.

While this is not the only route that visits countries in Europe in this way, I believe it is tied with the others for highest number of countries visited. This can be reasoned as follows:

If there is interest, I will do the other trips as well. This is also not the shortest route between these countries.

Included below are resources to view the trip in Google Maps and Google Earth.  

Here are the legs of the trip on Google Maps:

Here are the legs of the trip on Google Earth:

Special thanks to, as their tools are what makes creating the Google Earth files possible.